Vladimir Putin ends the year confident of victory and names conditions for peace

Traditional press conference
Putin ends the year confident of victory and names conditions for peace in Ukraine

Watch the video: Putin sticks to war goals – there is no prospect of an end to the fighting.

For the first time since the beginning of the attack against Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin invited people to his big annual press conference on Thursday. The event, which is attended by hundreds of Russian and foreign journalists, usually lasts several hours. Right from the start, Putin made it clear: The goals of the “special military operation” – as Russia calls the war against Ukraine – remain unchanged. “There will be peace if we achieve our goals that you just mentioned. Let us now return to these goals: they have not changed. I remind you of what we talked about then: the denazification of Ukraine, their Demilitarization, their neutral status.” There is no need for the army to further mobilize reservists, Putin said. So far, around 486,000 volunteers have signed up for the military, in addition to the 300,000 soldiers who were drafted during the partial mobilization last year. Putin also addressed the Russian economy. According to him, despite Western sanctions, this has increased. However, he admitted that inflation was too high. “Unfortunately, our inflation has increased, it is true. By the end of the year it is expected to be 7.5 percent, maybe even a little more, up to eight percent. But the central bank and the government are taking the necessary measures. I mean, raising the key interest rate and some other measures that the central bank and the government are taking. And we assume that we will be able to return to the target indicators. During the question and answer session, which was broadcast on state television, citizens were also allowed to describe their problems and Ask Putin for advice. The questions had been submitted long in advance. Putin also wants to be elected president for the fifth time on March 17. He had the constitution changed specifically for this purpose.

Vladimir Putin confirms all previous goals for its war against Ukraine. The condition for peace is the neutral status and the demilitarization of the neighboring country, as stated at the traditional annualpress conference said.

Russia’s President Wladimir Putin has reiterated Moscow’s military goals in the Ukraine conflict and expressed confidence that his country will win. There will only be peace once “the denazification and demilitarization of Ukraine” has been achieved, he said at his traditional end-of-year conference in Moscow. The Russian army is deployed in Ukraine with more than 600,000 soldiers.

Russia’s army is improving its position everywhere

Regarding the situation at the front, Putin said the Russian army was improving its positions “almost along the entire length of the line of contact.” The Ukraine had launched a counteroffensive in June, but it did not bring the successes Kiev had hoped for. The front line has hardly changed this year.

The Kremlin-Chief made it clear that he remains committed to the goals of the offensive launched in February 2022: the disempowerment of the Ukrainian government, which he describes as Nazis, the destruction of the neighboring country’s military capabilities and its “neutral status.” A solution will be achieved “by negotiation or by force,” said Putin.

According to him, 617,000 Russian soldiers are currently deployed in Ukraine. He did not provide information on the number of soldiers killed. The USA assumes 315,000 Russian troops were injured or killed.

The annual press conference, attended by hundreds of Russian and foreign journalists, usually lasts several hours. During the course, the Russian head of state answers questions live – pre-sorted by the Kremlin – on a wide range of topics.

Vladimir Putin is “not just confident”

During his televised appearance, Putin, who announced he would run for president again last week, was also optimistic about the resilience of the Russian economy. The West’s sanctions hardly hurt the economy. “We have enough not only to be confident, but also to move forward,” Putin said.

In his own words, the Russian president also “hopes” for a solution for the release of two people on espionage charges Russia imprisoned US citizens. There is a dialogue on this topic, but it is “not uncomplicated,” said Putin, referring to the US journalist Evan Gershkovich and the former soldier Paul Whelan. Meanwhile, a court in Moscow decided that Gershkovich must remain in custody for the time being.

“I hope that we will find a solution,” Putin said at his year-end press conference. “But the US side should also listen to us and make a decision that suits the Russian Federation.”

Shortly before Putin’s comments, a Moscow court rejected Gershkovich’s objection to his detention. “Evan Gershkovich will remain in custody until January 30, 2024,” the court said on the online channel Telegram.

No evidence of US journalist’s guilt

Gershkovich was arrested at the end of March during a research trip to the Urals. The 32-year-old is accused by the Russian justice system of, among other things, collecting information about the Russian arms industry. He faces up to 20 years in prison. The reporter, his family, his employer and the US authorities reject the espionage allegations.

The Russian judiciary has not published any evidence to support its allegations. The legal proceedings against Gershkovich were classified as secret. He is the first foreign journalist to be arrested in Russia on suspicion of espionage since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


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