Vladimir Putin blackmails grain while Sergei Lavrov kills hopes for peace

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news of the day

This Wednesday, the Russian president called for the lifting of Western restrictions on Russian cereals to obtain progress in the export of Ukrainian agricultural production, currently blocked in the country because of the Kremlin offensive.

“We will facilitate the export of Ukrainian grain, but assuming that all restrictions on possible export deliveries of Russian grain are lifted,” he said. “The restrictions on Russian fertilizer deliveries on the world market have been lifted by the Americans, in practice, assured Vladimir Putin. If they sincerely want to improve the situation on world food markets, I hope the same will be true for Russian grain exports. »

The phrase

“Peace talks wouldn’t make sense right now. »

Holding talks with kyiv to end Moscow’s offensive in Ukraine would make “no sense” at present, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

“In the current situation, it makes no sense,” Lavrov said in an interview with the Ria-Novosti news agency and the RT channel. Shortly before, he had indicated that Moscow’s military objectives in Ukraine were no longer limited to the east of that country.

The number

15. This is the percentage reduction in gas demand from the European Union from August. Indeed, Brussels has asked the Twenty-Seven to “do everything possible” to reduce, between August 2022 and March 2023, their gas consumption by at least 15% compared to the average of the last five years over the same period. .

The trend of the day

For his part, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is optimistic about an agreement with Russia and Ukraine on Ukrainian grain exports. “We have a memorandum that we hope will be transformed into a written text this week,” said the head of state.

“Mr. Putin expressed a very positive view of our efforts. He thanked us and made us various proposals, indicated Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We hope that the plan will begin to be implemented in the next few days, from a coordination center in Istanbul. »

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