Vivian Silver: She campaigned for peace – and became a victim of Hamas

Vivian Silver is one of Israel’s best-known peace activists. She is fighting for understanding with the Palestinians. But she too was apparently kidnapped, like others from the left-wing scene. How does liberal Israel deal with this?

“Smolani boged” is a swear word that has crept into the Hebrew vocabulary more and more naturally over the last decade and that is used with varying degrees of seriousness depending on the situation: left-wing traitor. This is what people like to call Jewish Israelis who fight against the occupation policies of their state and for the dignity of their Palestinian neighbors.

Such a person is Vivian Silver, 74 years old, born in Canada. As a young woman she emigrated to Israel. A few days before Hamas militias apparently kidnapped her from her home on Kibbutz Beeri last Saturday, she took part in a peace march organized by the organization “Women Wage Peace.”part.

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