Vitamin D deficiency triggers joint pain

For many people, the dark season also brings with it the symptoms associated with a Vitamin D deficiency go along, back. Depressive mood, lack of drive and tiredness are just some of the symptoms that can express the vitamin deficiency. However, there may be more people suffering from vitamin D deficiency than previously thought. Because some of the muscle and joint pain people see a doctor about could also be due to vitamin deficiencies.

Vitamin D deficiency detectable in the blood

In the case of muscle and joint pain, a doctor usually first examines the patient for specific diseases such as rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases of the joints. But vitamin D deficiency is also a common cause of the symptoms, as shown by blood tests in those affected. “The blood test often reveals a pronounced vitamin D deficiency,” says Detlef Moka, Chairman of the Professional Association of German Nuclear Medicine (BDN). unpleasant Pains in joints, muscles and bones can then be the result.

Prevent vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is only absorbed to a small extent with food. Most of the time, however, the body produces the essential vitamin itself – this is done with the help of sunlight in the skin. The risk of suffering from a vitamin D deficiency increases especially when the winter is particularly long and cold and there are only a few sunny days during this time. However, since vitamin D is involved in many vital processes in the body and also Cancer and cardiovascular diseases, it is advisable to prevent a deficiency at all costs. That’s why you should spend time outdoors regularly, even in the cold season. Even when the weather is cloudy, enough UV light penetrates the clouds to ensure vitamin D production. There are also special vitamin preparations that can be taken as supplements. If there is a very severe deficiency, a high-dose vitamin D injection can be administered by the doctor.

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