Vitalik gives a thumbs up to new image compression method “Token for Image Tokenizer (TiTok)” for on-chain storage.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has certified a new Token for Image Tokenizer (TiTok) compression method for potential blockchain applications.

(And to avoid confusion, despite the similar names (TiTok, TikTok), this is not related to the social media platform TikTok.) This new TiTok compression method significantly reduces image size. This makes it more useful for storing on the blockchain.

Buterin Emphasis onTiTok’s blockchain capabilities on decentralized social media platform Farcaster, stating that “essentially 320 bits is a small enough hash to be on chain for all users.”

This development could have important implications for the digital storage of profile pictures (PFP) and NFT tokens.

Source: Thomas

TiTok image compression

Developed by ByteDance and researchers from the Technical University of Munich, TiTok allows compression of images into 32 small pieces of data (bits) without losing quality.

followreportTiTok research indicates that advanced artificial intelligence (AI) image compression allows TiTok to compress a 256×256 pixel image into “32 separate tokens.”

TiTok is a one-dimensional (1D) image tokenization framework that “breaks the grid limitations inherent in 2D tokenization methods,” resulting in more flexible and compact images.

“The result is a significantly faster sampling process (e.g. 410 times faster than DiT-XL/2).”

Source: TiTok

TiTok uses advanced machine learning and AI, using a transformer model to convert images into token representations, allowing TiTok to provide “significantly more efficient and effective representations than conventional techniques.”

Source: TiTok

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