Vitalik Buterin’s Charitable Fund Donates $15 Million to the University of San Diego to Study Airborne Diseases

followannounceOn March 7, from the University of California San Diego (UCSD), it said it had received a $15 million USDC donation from the Balvi Filantropic Fund. The foundation is currently overseen by Ethereum (ETH) co-founder Vitalik Buterin and “is a Invest in science to study the spread of airborne diseases such as COVID-19.

UCSD said the newly formed institute will focus on studying airborne diseases such as influenza, tuberculosis and COVID-19, with the ultimate goal of developing new treatments, vaccines and diagnostics for these diseases. while improving our understanding of the transmission of these diseases.

“I am pleased to support the establishment of a new institute at UC San Diego that will work to advance our scientific knowledge of airborne diseases. It makes changes to infrastructure and policies that benefit people around the world,” said Vitalik Buterin.

“We will develop state-of-the-art measurement and computational tools to study these problems. Its main goal is to develop a better understanding of the production and sources of airborne biological particles. And how long can it remain infectious?” said the UCSD professor.

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