Visiting Rungis, Eric Zemmour arrested by foreign workers…

8:04 am: “We foreigners are workers”

At Rungis, employees expressed their disapproval of Eric Zemmour’s visit. One of them launched a mocking “Allah Akbar”, while others defended a “multicolored red white blue” France or asked the candidate to “leave their children alone”.

In the offal, a Malian worker, Mohamed Dantioko, dialogued with Eric Zemmour to oppose his program. “I told him that I did not agree. With him, all of France’s problems boil down to immigration. He wants to fire foreign unemployed workers after six months, it’s unfair,” explains the employee.

Eric Zemmour stressed that he had no problem with “working immigrants”. “We foreigners are workers,” an employee told him at the meat pavilion.

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