Visit to the heart of the “jam” and sorbet factory in Boutigny-sur-Essonne

“20 Minutes TV” went to visit the workshop “ On the top shelf », from jam maker Delphine Roger Teyssedre in Boutigny-sur-Essonne where she makes sorbets and fruit preparations (jams). Each year, she tries to offer around 30 different choices of jams. “We try to have 25 to 30 flavors throughout the year,” she explains. For sorbets on the other hand, it’s less, it stops at around 25 flavors.

Two thirds fruit and one third sugar

The term “jam” is not the appropriate word according to the regulations to describe the jam maker’s creations. We talk more about “fruit preparation”, because its products contain “less sugar than a standard jam”. In fact, its “jams” contain two thirds of fruit and only one third of sugar. “The sugar level is sufficient for storage for three years,” explains Delphine Roger Teyssedre.

Seasonal fruits available all year round

To make good jams, you obviously need good fruit, for this the jam maker tries as much as possible to “work with local producers”. That is to say directly in Essonne or in the south of France.

And in order to offer sorbets with different tastes all year round, she anticipates by transforming the fruits into purees throughout the year, which she then freezes in her cold room. In this way, she can take them out to make them and restock as she wishes, on all the perfumes.

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