Visit to DeSantis: Scheuer criticizes the “green talk police” – Bavaria

The CSU has not received such a stir with a mini-delegation for a long time. Last week, members of the Bundestag Andreas Scheuer, Dorothee Bär and Florian Hahn visited the US state of Florida, where they met with Governor Ron DeSantis for a one-hour talk. Scheuer then tweeted a photo in which DeSantis is holding a transatlantic beer mug with the Bavarian and US flags as a gift and smiling so friendly, as if he had just been honored for 25 years of membership in the CSU local branch in Passau. “I share the analyzes of DeSantis, which may shock some, but I stand by it,” Scheuer told the news portal t-online. “The people I meet have very different concerns than climate hysteria or gender issues.”

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