Vision Pro in France, iOS 18, AI… Apple’s new announcements during its Keynote event

This Monday, June 10, Apple unveiled its new software products powered by artificial intelligence during a conference.

After blasting music from what looks like a modernized iPod, skydivers launch into the air before being greeted by Apple CEO Tim Cook. Smiling, the latter is perched on the roof of Apple Park. It is under the bright California sun that he immediately begins the conference dedicated to the new software for his products.

The Apple Vision Pro will be on sale in France on July 12

After celebrating the first anniversary of Apple TV+, the CEO quickly announced the new features on the Apple Vision Pro. This mixed reality headset from Apple, with a futuristic aesthetic, was launched in the United States last July. It must immerse its holder into a virtual universe. He can control the entire interface with his eyes, hands and voice. It is currently marketed at a very high selling price, 3499 dollars.

The headset has 12 cameras, 6 microphones, 5 sensors, a combination of the M2 chip with a newly created chip (R1), which should ensure high image quality.

New apps should appear. They will be accessible thanks to a new operating system, the “Vision OS2”which also allows “new experience” with the object. In particular, snap your fingers to return to the home screen.

The headset will also be available for sale in many other countries this summer. And in particular in France, on July 12.

iOS 18 update on iPhone and iPad

The headset isn’t the only one getting an update. The iPhone operating system is also eligible for an update. A “dark look” was announced to switch applications to mode “night” or change colors. Furthermore, the commands to control the buttons are evolving.

Apple is launching a “dark look” to put applications in dark mode.

Apple also promises to better protect the privacy of its users. A way “Hide” will be deployed for “hide embarrassing apps”. An app lock mode is also coming. On the locked application, you will need a code or “FaceID” (Apple’s easy recognition system, editor’s note), to have access to it.

Apple also announced improvements to its Mail app, which is reorganized into different categories. In iMessage, it will also be possible to schedule text messages. The Photos application, for its part, sees its different libraries being merged with new tabs. Finally, Wallet will be able to carry out transactions from iPhone to iPhone via the Apple Card, which is however not available in France.

Most of its new features arrive on the iPad. One of the most requested applications, that of Calculator, is also arriving.

Ubisoft partnership: Assassin’s Screen and “Prince of Persia” games available on Mac

Apple continues its breakthrough in video games and announces that the new game Assassin’s Creed from Ubisoft will be available next November on MacBook and iPads, at the same time as on other consoles. The game “Prince of Persia” will be available on MacBook.

“Apple intelligence”: AI at Apple

Generative AI is making its way into various Apple products. The iPhone will now be able to sort notifications according to priorities, correct texts or create images using AI.

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