Vischgorod’s mayor thanks twin towns – Fürstenfeldbruck

Vishgorod:Vishgorod’s mayor thanks sister cities

Vischgorod: The aid transport in Eichenau for Vischgorod is handed over in Poland.

The aid transport in Eichenau for Vishgorod will be handed over in Poland.

(Photo: Peter Zeiler/Facebook)

Aleksej Momot sees further transports as necessary to supply the city.

By Erich C. Setzwein, Eichenau

The mayor of Eichenau’s twin town of Vishgorod, Aleksej Momot, expressed his gratitude for the aid deliveries so far on Sunday on Facebook. “The help is undoubtedly a noticeable support for our community,” wrote Momot, addressing his words personally to Eichenau’s mayor Peter Münster and councilor Claus Guttenthaler. Momot also acknowledged the support from the Wischgorod twin town of Lörrach and Eichenau’s twin town of Budrio in Italy. A number of Ukrainians from Vishgorod have arrived in Eichenau in the past few days. In the meantime, another aid convoy from Eichenau with local councilors Michael Wölfl and Peter Zeiler has arrived at the Polish-Ukrainian border.

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