“Virus has mutated into a dead end”

Just before Christmas, the Germans should once again show solidarity, appealed the Minister of Health. Lauterbach expects the situation to be more relaxed in 2023.

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach expects the corona infection situation to ease in the coming year, but has called for caution in the coming weeks. He appealed to everyone: “The last few weeks, the last months, when we can protect each other, also over the holidays: Please be careful, take this seriously! Now we have stood together for so long, now solidarity again” , said the SPD politician on Sunday in the ZDF program “Berlin direct”.



For the coming year he expects a significant relaxation of the Corona situation, said Lauterbach. “I think the virus has mutated into a dead end. The variants we’re seeing now have one thing in common, they’re all very contagious, but not as dangerous as the original variants.” He reminded that the clinics are currently suffering from a lack of staff and are overburdened.

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