Virus continues to reach record levels, aided by Omicron variant

Many people should spend their New Years in isolation. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 does not take a vacation during the holidays, on the contrary, it redoubles its efforts. The figures published by Public Health France this Friday, December 31 show, the fifth wave is progressing and this is particularly the case in Île-de-France.

1.295, this is the incidence rate observed in the region over the week of December 20 to 26, according to figures from Public Health France. A record since the start of the epidemic. In Paris, the incidence even exceeds 2,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 100% in one week. A figure particularly carried by young people since the incidence rate among 20-29 year olds exceeds 4,500 cases this weekend. A total of 28,788 new daily cases were confirmed last week.

The positivity rate is increasing… The Omicron variant too

If the number of screening is to be observed, one in two Parisians aged 20-29 was screened between December 18 and 24, it is not the cause of this skyrocketing. The positivity rate, just over 6% the week before, rose to 10.1%.

The Omicron variant has a lot to do with it. Became the majority in Île-de-France with 69.7% of the interpretable results of the screening tests.

114 additional people in critical care

The consequence on hospitals is immediate, after the AP-HP on Thursday, the ARS asks hospitals to deprogram as much as possible the surgical and medical activities that can be in order to relieve them. And for good reason, daily hospitalizations amount to 328 according to the website of the Ministry of Health, an increase of 49.09% in 7 days.

This Friday, 4,044 patients are hospitalized for cases of Covid-19 in Île-de-France, including 732 in critical care, this is 114 more cases than last week. An “impressive” situation according to an ARS official contacted by 20 minutes.

The fear of seeing hospitals overwhelmed in January

A wave that hospitals feel and fear to see grow further according to the ARS which fears the consequences of the holidays which could be felt in the first half of January. Despite a strong vaccination rate in the region (73%, or 8,957,406 inhabitants have a complete vaccination schedule), the Omicron variant exposes the weakest to critical cases of Covid-19.

The progression of Covid-19 in Île-de-France is so rapid that it has prompted the authorities to react. In addition to the measures announced by the government on Monday, December 27, the Paris police headquarters announced that the mask was once again compulsory outdoors from this Friday and specific measures have been taken for New Year’s Eve.

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