Virtual Reality: Microsoft brings 3D meeting rooms to Teams

Microsoft is now officially integrating its virtual chat room for business customers into Microsoft Teams. The the company announced on Thursday. This allows meetings to take place in teams with 3D avatars in 3D environments.

“The way we work has changed, but the secret to a successful workplace has not”said Vice President, Microsoft Teams Vice President Nicole Herskowitz in the announcement. It’s about “deep interpersonal relationships”.

Users should be able to use the 3D environments despite working remotely from their home office “authentic connections” can produce. Microsoft names Accenture, among others, as customers whose employees already use these functions.

In the first test of the new feature, doubted whether communication would really be better via the detour of 3D avatars: The alternative to the video image was more of a distraction, at least in 2D.

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