Virginia von Fürstenberg: Princess dies at the age of 48 in the luxury hotel

Updated on 05/12/2023 10:49 am

Italian designer Virginia von Fürstenberg has died at the age of 48. The princess, who is related to the German noble family, was found dead in a luxury hotel in Meran.

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Virginia von Fürstenberg passed away at the age of 48. According to media reports, the Italian fashion designer, who is related to the German noble family, was found lifeless on the terrace of the Hotel Palace in Merano, South Tyrol, on Wednesday morning (May 10). According to reports, she died in a fall from the upper floor. External influences were initially ruled out.

Family and friends mourn the loss of Virginia von Fürstenberg

Family and friends of actress Ira von Fürstenberg’s niece and fashion designer Prince Egon von Fürstenberg mourn the deceased. Writer Gian Paolo Serino, a close friend of Virginia von Furstenberg, confirmed the fashion designer’s death on Instagram and wrote under a post with photos together: “Virgi, beloved little sister. I have no words. Not this time. You were and always will be poetry and freedom. I will always be with you.”

Virginia von Furstenberg leaves behind five children

Born on October 5, 1974 as the daughter of Elisabetta Guarnati and Sebastian Egon von Fürstenberg in Genoa, Italy, Virginia von Fürstenberg founded her Virginia fashion label. The princess, whose grandparents were Prince Tassilo and Claire Jeanne Agnelli, was also a writer and artist.

Virginia von Fürstenberg walked the aisle three times and leaves a total of five children between the ages of 21 and 30. From 1992 to 2003 she was married to Baron Alexandre Csillaghy, by whom she had two children. In 2004 she married Paco Polenghi, with whom she also has two children. A childless marriage to Janusz Gawronski followed from 2017 to 2020. Her daughter Clara, born in 2002, comes from a relationship with Giovanni Bacco Dondi dall’Orologio.
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