Violent thunderstorms expected tonight, the whole island goes into orange vigilance

It’s going to blow up in Corsica. Météo-France classified this Friday afternoon northern and southern Corsica in orange storm vigilance. From 11 p.m. and until 9 a.m. Saturday morning, “an active stormy-rainy passage will sweep the coasts of Corsica with heavy rainfall, hail and gusts of wind”, says the meteorological institute.

Storms will approach the island on the west coast and Cap Corse from the middle of the night. Météo-France warns that these storms will be strong and “sometimes violent”. They will be accompanied by great electrical activity and very high rainfall intensities, with “40 to 80 mm of water in less than an hour”. Hail and strong gusts of wind, 80 to 100 km/h, locally turbulent, are also expected in addition to possible waterspouts.

The storms will then shift to the southeast, inland, mainly on the western side. However, they will have less activity. The Bastia-Corte-Solenzara triangle should thus be spared.

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