Vingegaard puts its “hand in the fire”, the Jumbo-Visma is “100% clean”

It has become an obligatory passage, almost ceremonial for the winner of the Tour de France. After the podium on the Champs-Elysées, questions about doping. Asked by the daily The Team on the suspicions hovering around him and his team, Jonas Vingegaard did not flee when responding.

“Suspicions don’t bother me because I understand that with cycling’s heavy past, the way it worked fifteen years ago, we can ask ourselves questions,” said the Dane. But our sport has changed. When it comes to my team, I put my hand in the fire for each of my teammates. We are 100% clean. »

“I don’t want to use doping, I don’t want to be like that”

As he recalls, Vingegaard was born the year his compatriot Bjarne Riis won the Grande Boucle (1996), a success that was anything but clean, as the former rider would later admit.

“I know that Denmark has a history with doping, like many other countries, almost all of them in fact. But that’s not my story. […] When I first started considering turning professional, it was on condition that I didn’t do anything illegal. I don’t want to use doping, I don’t want to be like that, it’s a deep conviction. If to be a pro runner and to have this level, the condition was to have to take products, I would choose not to be and to take nothing. I would prefer to do something else in that case, I don’t know, another job. »

As for the benefits of the Jumbo-Visma, Jonas Vingegaard justifies them by an extremely high intrinsic level, not to say without equal. “There isn’t another strong team on paper I think. »

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