Vigorous executive recruitments in the third quarter

Marked by “a summer period more dynamic than usual on the front of executive job offers”, executive recruitments in the private sector increased compared to last year in the third quarter, according to a study by
Association for the employment of executives (Apec) published this Wednesday.

“The dynamics of executive employment are confirmed and even amplified”, but “uncertainties exist” which could “slow” hiring in the fourth quarter: “the difficulty of recruiting” and “the shortage of components and raw materials” , commented during a press conference the director general of Apec, Gilles Gateau, who always said he was “worried in the short term” for young graduates.

“Catch-up effect”

In the third quarter, 10% of private companies finalized at least one executive hiring, according to the Apec study. Admittedly, “due to the seasonality of hiring”, this rate fell by 4 points compared to the second quarter, but it increased by 2 points compared to the third quarter of 2020, underlines the association.

And “for the first time since the start of the health crisis”, the number of executive job offers published on the Apec site exceeded that of 2019 “in a comparable quarter”, with an increase of 8% in the third quarter compared to the same period of 2019, notes Apec. “There is certainly a catching-up effect”, companies having “waited for better days”, and “it creates tensions on recruitments”, noted Gilles Gateau. In terms of hiring finalized in the third quarter, 69% of mid-size companies and large companies have recruited at least one executive, ahead of 14% of SMEs and 5% of VSEs.

“Recruitment difficulties”

Asked about their hiring intentions, 11% of companies say they want to recruit at least one executive in the fourth quarter. However, “the recruitment difficulties” that they foresee “have reached their highest level for a year,” points out Apec. In question “mainly”: the “lack of available profiles”, the “gap” between applications and job requirements, and “more and more” the “salary expectations of candidates”. The executives, them, fear “less and less” to find themselves unemployed, but this concern is still shared by two executives in ten (21%) in the third quarter.

And nearly six in ten (56%) think that they “would hardly find an equivalent job”. However, more than half (52%) believe that changing businesses today is “an opportunity rather than a risk”. While 19% of those under 35 plan to do so “over the next three months”, only 8% of seniors (55 and over) have such mobility plans. Eight out of ten senior executives (83%) are also “satisfied with their professional situation”, according to a second study by Apec published Wednesday.

Experience versus transmission of knowledge

A quarter of their managers (25%) classify “experience” as the first quality of senior executives, while half deem them “more apt than the youngest” to “transmit knowledge” (51%) or “defuse a problem”. conflict ”(47%). The first study is based on two surveys carried out from September 6 to 21, one online with a representative sample of 2,000 private sector executives with or without a job, the other by telephone with 1,000 companies representative of private companies. employing at least one frame.

The second study is based on an online survey in February and January, on the one hand, of a sample of 800 senior executives representative of executives in the private sector in employment aged 55 or over, on the other hand, of a representative sample of 500 managers in the private sector in employment, with at least one senior manager under their responsibility.

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