Vigilance for heavy rain lifted but a man is still missing

The sky is calming in Guadeloupe. A man was still missing on Sunday, however, when the vigilance for heavy rains and thunderstorms was lifted in the early morning after bad weather that killed two people, the prefecture said in a press release. In the streets of Pointe-à-Pitre, the May Day parade was held normally on Sunday, according to local media.

Sunday afternoon, “significant means [étaient] still in progress” to find a young man “missing carried away by the water near the marina of Gosier”, Saturday morning, following heavy rainfall. The night from Saturday to Sunday, on the other hand, was much quieter than the previous one. The Departmental Fire and Rescue Service (SDIS) “did not carry out any intervention in connection with the floods”, underlined the prefecture.

The Abymes and the Gosier in mourning

A man was found dead in his submerged vehicle in Les Abymes on Saturday morning, and the prefecture also reports the discovery of “a man (…) in his car in Gosier by firefighters outside the flooded area. The exact circumstances of his death are still under investigation.

In addition, “the restoration of the electrical distribution is ensured on almost the entire territory” even if “some difficulties remain in the municipality of Gosier” according to the same source, specifying that Pointe-à-Pitre and a large part of the city ​​of Abymes “suffer significant water cuts”. In addition, certain axes remained, on Sunday, difficult to pass, in Gosier and Abymes “given the mud present on the roads”. The prefecture also advised to avoid these areas “likely to experience landslides”. Some utility poles are also “held only by vegetation”.

In Le Gosier, “an unrecognizable beach”

Sunday morning, while the cleaning teams were still at work, the landscape had changed on the beach of Petit Havre in Gosier. Resident of the town, Marie Monnery, 39, sales manager, expressed her “astonishment”. “With my son we saw an unrecognizable beach, completely transformed, gullied, sandy corals”, she said, ensuring that her child does not “put his head under water because of the poor quality water the day after heavy rains.

Guadeloupe was hit by exceptional rainfall overnight from Friday to Saturday. “The rainfall exceeded 300 mm, a phenomenon greater than that recorded during Cyclone Maria” in 2017, had underlined the prefecture in a previous press release. Still on yellow alert for “heavy rains and thunderstorms” on Sunday afternoon, the islands of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélemy were to return to green “at 5 p.m. local time”, indicated Météo-France Antilles-Guyane.

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