Vigilance before an expected recovery of the wind

The firefighters, who have since this Friday stopped the progression of the fire in the hinterland of Saint-Tropez on the Côte d’Azur, called this Saturday for vigilance before an episode of wind this weekend on the Mediterranean rim French.

The fire, which killed two people and destroyed thousands of hectares of forests, “is not under control, we will continue to work on the edges to consider it kept in its envelope, it is a day to stabilize”, said Commander Florent Dossetti of the Var fire department.

Reduced number of firefighters

The firefighters will in particular pose “a barrier” of retardants, with the Dash planes and the troops on the ground, on the edges “of the fire which are subject to a risk of resumption with the west wind”, expected at the end of the day. afternoon, but especially Sunday, he said.

The numbers mobilized, however, were reduced, from 1,200 to 800 on Saturday. Reinforcements from Mediterranean departments such as Bouches-du-Rhône or Alpes-Maritimes, “which will be subject to the risk of forest fires this afternoon and tomorrow” have returned to their areas, said Florent Dossetti.

Fires everywhere in the Mediterranean

“We want to send a message to the population: in the event of a recovery, we could be subjected to the same virulence that we experienced the previous days,” insisted the commander. “Little by little, we will return to normal but we still have several days of work,” he insisted.

Starting from a motorway rest area in still undetermined circumstances, the biggest fire in France this year killed two people and burned 7,100 hectares of forest, vines and scrubland, devastating in particular nearly half of the National Reserve natural environment of the Plaine des Maures, a haven of biodiversity.

Several Mediterranean countries, from Israel to Spain, via Turkey, Greece or Morocco, were affected by serious forest fires this summer, sometimes very deadly as in Algeria.

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