Vienna: Talks to save the nuclear pact with Iran continued

Talks with Iran to save the nuclear pact continued

The Palais Coburg in Vienna is reflected on a window facade. Photo: Michael Gruber / AP / dpa

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According to Tehran, negotiations on a nuclear deal had recently achieved good results. The talks are now ongoing.

Talks to rescue the nuclear deal with Iran continued in Vienna on Monday. Negotiators said on Monday that there was further discussion of possible progress in bilateral rounds.

A meeting of the so-called Joint Commission of Political Directors is expected later this week, it said. Iran spread cautious confidence on Monday.

According to Tehran’s Foreign Office spokesman Said Chatibsadeh, good results were achieved in the last round. It is about the lifting of the sanctions and guarantees that there will not be another breach of contract on the part of the USA. After that, Iran will also meet its technical obligations in the deal again.

“That is our goal and we do not allow any deadlines to be set,” the spokesman said. A solution to the nuclear dispute is possible in the near future. The US would simply have to return to the nuclear deal and lift the sanctions, the spokesman said.

In 2018, the United States withdrew from the agreement reached in 2015, which aims to prevent Tehran from building nuclear weapons without denying it the peaceful use of nuclear power. After the USA imposed very tough economic sanctions on Iran, Iran also gradually moved away from the requirements of the agreement. Since then, the Islamic Republic has acquired further capabilities to build a nuclear weapon, which is why Israel is keeping military intervention open.


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