Video: Wrecked tank from Ukraine in front of the Russian embassy

STORY: A wrecked Russian tank parked on Berlin’s Unter den Linden boulevard, conspicuous in front of the Embassy of the Russian Federation. On Friday one of many actions to mark the anniversary of the ongoing Russian attack on Ukraine. According to the initiators, the T-72 destroyed by a mine is intended to demonstrate the brutal reality of war. Wieland Giebel, Museum “Berlin Story Bunker” “It’s here because we are in favor of the war ending immediately. Putin could end the war at any moment by withdrawing his soldiers from the country he had invaded And this tank here is a sign of the defeat of the Russians, because it was destroyed in the Battle of Kiev on March 31, 2022. We want the war to stop, but not for Ukraine to surrender, we want that Russia is withdrawing from this war, where people have been attacked who have never thought in their lives that they are at war.” There had previously been a long dispute in court about the temporary installation of the tank. The district office had initially rejected the action. In October, however, the administrative court ordered the approval.


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