Video: Wave of protests in Iran: Khamenei accuses the USA and Israel of provocation

STORY: In Iran, the police are apparently continuing to crack down on demonstrators who are protesting against the country’s Islamist leadership after the death of Iranian Mahsa Amini. These videos, published on the Internet on Sunday and Monday, are intended to show how people at Sharif University in Tehran are fleeing the so-called vice police. Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commented on the ongoing protests for the first time on Monday, blaming the US and Israel. “I say clearly that these riots were planned by America and the usurping and false Zionist regime. And those who collect their salaries, some of whom are traitorous Iranians abroad, helped them.” Amini’s death “broke his heart,” said Khamenei, speaking of a “bitter event.” Jina Mahsa Amini, pictured here at a protest in London over the weekend, was arrested in Tehran in mid-September for breaking the rules on wearing a headscarf. Three days later, she died in a hospital after going into a coma. There is conflicting information about the circumstances of her death. The incident was not only met with international outrage. In Iran, it triggered an unprecedented wave of protests. According to the Norway-based organization Human Rights in Iran, more than 130 people have died so far.


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