Video: US President calls for the preservation of democratic values

US President calls for the preservation of democratic values

At the start of the democracy summit, US President Joe Biden called on more than 100 presidents to preserve common values. On the occasion of the two-day virtual event, Biden said on Thursday, among other things: “We have to stand up for justice, for the law, for freedom of expression and for free press.” In the next two days there should be an exchange of ideas among the nations. People want to learn from each other and make democracy better. The US President invited 110 countries to the virtual summit, and the new Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz is also there. In the run-up, however, there had been criticism of the guest list because countries such as China, Russia, Hungary and Turkey were not invited.


In the next two days there will be an exchange of ideas at a virtual summit among 110 nations.

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