Video: US Air Force presents new stealth bomber

STORY: A long-kept secret was revealed on Friday in Palmdale, California. The Northrop Grumman armaments company unveiled the first of a new fleet of US Air Force stealth bombers at a ceremony. The B-21 “Raider” is a long-range aircraft that can also carry nuclear weapons. In its form, the machine resembles the “flying wing” B2, which is already in the inventory of the Air Force. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin estimates that even the most sophisticated air defense systems will have difficulty detecting the new stealth aircraft. “The B-21 ‘Raider’ is the first strategic bomber in more than three decades. It is a testament to America’s continued lead in inventiveness and innovation, and it is a testament to the Department’s long-term commitment to building advanced resources that… America can strengthen its ability to deter aggression, now and in the future.” The Air Force wants to buy at least 100 Raiders. The cost of each machine is estimated at around $750 million.


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