Video: University of Heidelberg: Attackers injured several people with a weapon

University of Heidelberg: Attackers injured several people with a weapon

An attacker injured several people in a lecture hall on the university campus in Heidelberg with a long gun. The perpetrator was dead, said the police headquarters in Mannheim. Spokesman Patrick Knapp: “The perpetrator then fled and, according to the current state of investigation, shot himself. We can’t say more about the situation at the moment.” Initially, the police did not assume that there were other attackers, but had the premises searched. There was initially no information on the identity of the attacker and the injured. The nature of the injuries remained unclear for the time being, as did the motive of the perpetrator.


The perpetrator was dead, said the police headquarters in Mannheim. The area at Neuenheimer Feld was cordoned off over a large area.

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