Video: Turning a hobby into a profession

Made a job out of a hobby

STORY: Necessity is the mother of invention. This can probably also be attested to the 27-year-old Osamah al-Khudirat in Jordan. Because when he couldn’t find a job as an electrical engineer after graduating three years ago, he resorted to his childhood hobby to earn a living. He builds bows. So he turned his hobby into a profession. Al-Khudirat looks very proud of his business idea: “I make the bows from olive and beech wood. And over time I’ve managed to make very precise and professional bows.” His customers include hunters and nature lovers. At first he worked from home. But as business got better and better, he moved to his own workshop. It takes him about ten days to complete a sheet. And his declared goal is now, above all, that the sport of archery becomes more widespread.


Jordanian Osamah al-Khudirat, 27, is building bows after failing to find a job as an electrical engineer. The unemployment rate in Jordan was around 25 percent in 2021.

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