Video: Trump ally McCarthy also fails in the sixth ballot

STORY: The Republicans in the US House of Representatives have failed at the sixth attempt to elect a new chairman for the Congress Chamber. The previous parliamentary group leader Kevin McCarthy did not receive a sufficient majority among his party colleagues on Wednesday. The US House of Representatives adjourned until Thursday. The ally of former President Donald Trump faces staunch opposition from ultra-conservative Republicans, who make up less than 10 percent of the caucus. The defeat had already been classified as historic the day before: since 1923, no “speaker” has needed more than one vote. Before the fourth vote, President Joe Biden and his predecessor Trump had already intervened. The bitter rivals unanimously warned that the situation was becoming embarrassing. That doesn’t make a good impression, said Democrat Biden. “This is the United States of America and I hope they pull themselves together.” Allies and enemies may have doubts as to whether US democracy has recovered from the January 6, 2021 riots. Trump, for his part, called on his party colleagues to vote for McCarthy on his media platform Truth Social. Without a chairman, the chamber is effectively unable to act. The Republicans had actually hoped to initiate investigations against Biden or to advance their political priorities after returning to power. For years, a dispute has been raging among the Republicans between those members who, like Trump, want to move the party further to the right, and a comparatively moderate camp.


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