Video: Tropical Storm Ana destroys crops and houses in southern Africa

Tropical Storm Ana destroys crops and homes in southern Africa

Tropical Storm Ana swept across southern Africa earlier this week. Here are pictures from the landlocked country of Malawi. The country lies between Mozambique, Tanzania and Zambia. Above all, the infrastructure, houses and agriculture are affected by the consequences of the storm. Farmer Roben Mphasa was quite desperate in Chikwawa on Wednesday: “It’s terrible. You see, my entire corn crop was destroyed. I had planted one and a half hectares of corn. And now the whole crop is simply gone. This disaster is the second I have to experience, but this one is a lot worse than the first.” According to the authorities in Mozambique and Malawi, the death toll from tropical storm Ana has risen to at least 12. However, the authorities and aid organizations emphasize that the full extent of the damage cannot yet be foreseen.


The death toll has risen to at least 12, according to authorities in Mozambique and Malawi.

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