Video: Traffic light parties want 3G rule for all jobs

Traffic light parties want 3G rule for all jobs

Corona pandemic and no end in sight. The number of infections has been rising again for days and politicians are trying to find answers to the tense situation. Therefore, the so-called traffic light parties SPD, Greens and FDP have decided on further measures in the fight against the corona pandemic in addition to the amendment to the Infection Protection Act. It was agreed on Tuesday morning to want to introduce a 3G rule nationwide at workplaces, said the health policy spokeswoman for the SPD, Sabine Dittmar. In addition, corona tests are to be made mandatory in facilities with particularly vulnerable people. The free citizen tests are to be reintroduced and the hospitals are to receive grants for the treatment of Covid patients. Johann Nowak is the founder of the Schnelltest company in Berlin. And he emphasized on Tuesday the urgent need for tests: “I think the benefits are clearly evident. The risk of 2G is simply too great for breakthroughs to occur. I think that in order to contain such a pandemic, one should try everything what is possible. And personally I would rather go to an event where I know the people have been tested than that they just get access via 2G. So I think 2G plus is a very, very good answer, which nevertheless also puts pressure on the vaccinated people, but at the same time also offers security for the event, which at the moment are also the super spreaders at the moment. ” The traffic light parties had already presented a draft law on Monday with which they want to change the Infection Protection Act. It provides for a scaled-down catalog of measures, for example with a mask requirement or possible 2G and 3G restrictions. Time is running out. Because the Robert Koch Institute reported around 22,000 new corona cases on Tuesday. This means that the value has more than doubled compared to the previous week. And the seven-day incidence rose to a new record of 213.7, according to the RKI. The value indicates how many people per 100,000 inhabitants have been infected with the corona virus in the past seven days. 169 other people died related to the virus.


The free citizen tests are to be reintroduced and the hospitals are to receive grants for the treatment of Covid patients.

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