Video: Traffic light coalition explains planned policy

The first traffic light coalition in the federal government is in place: The leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP signed the coalition agreement on Tuesday, after which Olaf Scholz, Robert Habeck and Christian Lindner faced the press in Berlin. The new Federal Chancellor-designate announced a visit to Paris as his first trip to office. It is about continuing on the path towards a strong, sovereign Europe. At the same time, the transatlantic partnership and NATO must be strengthened, said Scholz. He assured Poland of support in dealing with the conflict on the Belarusian border. When asked about differences over the rule of law, Scholz said he was striving for a friendly relationship. “Germany is, as I have already said, a country in the middle of Europe. We are not called to stand on the sidelines and make bad or good-humored comments, but rather we are responsible for coexistence in Europe and the success of progress. And that is why we and I consider it our most important task to ensure that such divisions as you are sketching do not exist as a possibility, neither north-south nor west-east. ” The expansion of renewable energies will be the central topic for the Ministry of Economics and Climate, said the new head of department Robert Habeck. The pace of expansion must be tripled or even quadrupled. He will be the first to look at what short-term measures are possible. But it is about structural changes that would only take effect later. “So at this point I want to say that with all the Sunday speeches that are always there for more climate protection and somehow all for renewable energies, that will not be unreasonable. That is personal to me and to everyone who signed this coalition agreement and have written, well aware. ” The designated Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner does not want to increase the planned new debt for next year in the volume of around 100 billion euros. The previous budget planning for the coming year was called sufficient by Lindner, the previous financial planning had been forward-looking. “We want to comply with the debt brake of the Basic Law again from 2023. On the other hand, we want to forego higher taxes, burdens and increases in tax rates. Within these guard rails, we will finance the projects that the coalition has given up in the coalition agreement and in one follow financial priorities. ” Scholz is to be elected Chancellor by the Bundestag on Wednesday. The handover in the Federal Ministry of Finance between Scholz and Lindner is planned for Thursday afternoon.


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