Video: Theater in rough times: insights and perspectives

STORY: Welcome to the free theater “Dramatic Stage” in Frankfurt am Main. Romeo and Juliet is shown. A classic. And there have already been many of them on this stage, because the theater has existed since 1988. But the aftermath of Corona can be felt, as Thorsten Morawietz, head of the “Dramatic Stage”, reports: THORSTEN MORAWIETZ, HEAD OF THE THEATER “DIE DRAMATISCHE BÜHNE” “In the first summer after the pandemic there was great enthusiasm, and the People came in large numbers, and people were very willing to have fun despite the distance and masks, because there was a great longing. And in the second summer, last year, it was very mixed, that people were just very tired from the whole year.” In addition, there are currently difficulties due to absences due to illness: THORSTEN MORAWIETZ, DIRECTOR OF THE THEATER “DIE DRAMATISCHE BÜHNE” “We had no cases at all for two years during the Corona period. And now this summer we have had a whopping twelve cases of corona in three weeks, which was an absolute disaster. Despite vaccination, distance and tested and symptom-free, we all infected each other, and we had to replace a lot of roles and sometimes had to change the schedule. The viewers accepted it very gratefully and all in all it worked out, but that’s why it’s an absolute disaster. It will certainly happen again and again in the coming years and months that the schedule will have to be rebuilt.” So the balance after lockdown, new beginnings and changes to the plan at the “Dramatic Stage” in Frankfurt is mixed. And the perspective is, in my opinion of the manager, not too rosy. Because many people are currently plagued by financial worries. Among other things, rising energy prices mean that people save on pleasures such as going to the theater. People go out less overall. And in the end it’s not just the theaters that feel it .


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