Video: The euro is celebrating its anniversary

The euro is celebrating its anniversary

At the turn of the year 2001/2002, the euro was introduced to the people in banknotes and coins. The greatest money exchange ever. But after the initial euphoria, disillusionment quickly set in. Many thought the euro was a “teuro”. When shopping or in a restaurant, consumers couldn’t shake the feeling that D-Mark prices had been converted 1: 1 into. Even if the statisticians tried again and again to prove the opposite. Today the euro is the currency in 19 of the 28 countries of the European Union. 20 years after the introduction of the European currency, many see the euro as a success story. Economists emphasize that the euro is a particularly stable currency, according to a survey in Frankfurt am Main a mixed mood: “I think the euro is a success story, it has made life much easier, now for traveling, for companies, everything is comparable. We think the euro is good and Europe is good anyway. “” So in my opinion it has become more expensive. I was self-employed for 20 years and in Mark’s days everything was a little less and cheaper and better. In my view. When you see real estate prices have exploded quite a bit. Is just the way. I don’t think that’s great. “” Well, I think it depends on the view. So I think it was definitely a success story for us Germans. Probably not in the south of Europe. That is why there were ideas that suggested that two things might be better to introduce the north euro and the south euro Economic and budgetary policy remained largely in the hands of the individual countries. One trend could make euro notes and coins less important in the future. More and more people prefer to pay cashless. Germans are significantly more attached to cash than citizens of other countries You have an average of over 100 euros in your wallet.


On January 1, 2002, marks and pennies were replaced by euros and cents.

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