Video: Tax estimate: Additional revenue of over 126 billion euros

STORY: (Note: This post is without narration.) Original sound Christian Lindner (FDP), Federal Minister of Finance: “It is the 163rd tax estimate and the second since I took office. And we are now reporting on the years 2022 to 2027. Compared to the Estimated results in May, the figures now available will show an increase of a good 126 billion euros over the years are not taken into account in this estimate. ://: The estimate results are based on a very robust job market and also very good results from companies in some cases. A second caution, however: We must not be fooled by the income forecast now. The results of the Tax estimates, like the expectations for the overall economic development of this M al characterized by the greatest uncertainty. A third caution: High energy prices and supply-side shortages are bringing us rates of inflation that many in our country have not yet experienced. And inflation will not only show up on the revenue side of government, but will also have an impact on the expenditure side of government budgets. ://: Geopolitically, we live in extremely difficult times. The federal government’s autumn projection for macroeconomic development, which today’s result is based on, assumes a recession for the second half of 2022 and for the first quarter of 2023. For the coming year, gross domestic product in real terms is likely to fall by a total of 0.4 percent compared to 2022. There are also further downside risks for this already clearly clouded outlook, which means that things can get much worse economically with correspondingly negative effects on tax revenues.”


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