Video: Suspected corruption: Frankfurt Mayor Feldmann in court

STORY: The trial against Frankfurt’s Lord Mayor Peter Feldmann began in Frankfurt am Main on Tuesday. Feldmann is accused of taking advantage. According to the indictment, his partner at the time is said to have been given the management of a day-care center in 2014, a salary above the standard pay scale and a company car. According to the indictment, this happened because of Feldmann’s position as mayor and through his contacts with those responsible for the district association of Frankfurt workers’ welfare. In addition, Awo is said to have supported Feldmann in the 2018 election campaign by raising donations. In return, the accused is said to have tacitly agreed with those responsible for the AWO at the time to take the interests of the AWO into account in a benevolent manner. Feldmann himself described the allegations as excessive, but welcomed the public hearing. On Tuesday he said he wanted a fair and impartial trial. His defense attorney David Hofferbert on the first day of the trial: “There are indications that Mr. Feldmann is concerned about the presiding judge at the Gröschel District Court, because he would have to judge his wife’s press work in the present case Feldmann insists that he will not do it with the necessary distance, objectivity and neutrality.” On Tuesday it became known that Feldmann’s defense had already submitted a corresponding application for bias. Reason: In the course of the process, the judge must also decide on his wife’s press activities – with a view to their possible consequences for Feldmann. Gröschel’s wife is the spokeswoman for the public prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt. Several people protested against the mayor of the SPD in front of the Frankfurt district court. So does Leopold Born, chairman of the Junge Union Frankfurt am Main. “Today we say get into the courtroom, get out of the Römer. In Frankfurt there is a lot to do everywhere. Instead we have a mayor who is sitting in the dock and cannot take care of the city. Peter Feldmann is damaging ours City, we are ashamed of our mayor and that is why we vote him out on November 6th.” Because then more than 500,000 Frankfurters who are eligible to vote should decide in a referendum on Feldmann’s deselection as mayor.


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