Video: Storms and floods: extreme weather conditions keep California in suspense

STORY: Footage of flooding in Tulare County, California between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Heavy rains had caused dikes to break here. Numerous people in the US state were without power on Wednesday after a storm. Evacuation warnings have been issued for tens of thousands of residents. 14,000 people across the state have been ordered to move to higher ground because of the flooding. In Boulder Creek, south of San Jose, residents were busy cleaning up Wednesday. A violent storm had left a path of destruction in its wake. Tarah Snow “It’s not our usual winter with trees falling like that. Usually fir trees or other things fall over, but the big redwood trees falling is very different from what we’re used to.” California is repeatedly hit by extreme weather phenomena. In Montebello, Los Angeles County, residents spotted a tornado on Wednesday. According to local media, several commercial buildings were damaged. The National Weather Service confirmed it was a tornado. The rapid succession of Pacific storms over the past three months has caused weather patterns to reverse in California. In recent years, the state has been hit by drought and forest fires. Storms and floods now also lead to exceptional situations. Experts see this as symptomatic of human-caused climate change.


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