Video: SPD politician Bas is the new President of the Bundestag

Exactly thirty days after the general election, the time had come on Tuesday: the new or re-elected MPs met for the first time. The 20th Bundestag held the constituent session and filled the office of Bundestag President. From now on, the SPD politician Bärbel Bas is the second highest representative of the state, and thus only for the third time in German history as a woman in this office. Bärbel Bas: “Mr. President, thank you very much, I accept the election with all my heart.” In her speech, Bas said she wished each other respect for the coming legislative period. “We will hear many different voices and opinions, opposing arguments. The sharpness of the argument must not degrade or damage the political opponent. We are not here to fight each other personally. “Then the posts of Vice-President were filled, or vice-presidents – Aydan Özoguz from the SPD, Yvonne Magwas from the CDU, Claudia Roth from the Greens and Petra Pau from the Left Party. The only man in the office, FDP MP Wolfgang Kubicki, then even forgot Ms. Bas while reading the nominees. “You could almost think that was intentional. But that’s not the case. Mr. Kubicki, sorry. You have just noticed that you are the only man probably if the result comes out like this. I apologize very much. Of course, the FDP parliamentary group also has a proposal, with Wolfgang Kubicki. ” The candidate of the AfD, Michael Kaufmann, clearly missed the required vote with 118 yes votes, which was heavily criticized by speakers from his parliamentary group. The outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel attended the meeting in the official gallery. She sat right next to her 84-year-old party colleague Rita Süßmuth, who held the office of President of the Bundestag from 1988 to 1998, and next to Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the incumbent Federal President, who, following the meeting, all ministers of the last legislative period and the Federal Chancellor handed over the certificate of discharge. Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier: “The office of the Federal Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel, came to an end with the meeting of the 20th German Bundestag on October 26, 2021. Thank you very much. I think you have to watch the cameras for a moment … “The SPD, the Greens and the FDP will continue their coalition negotiations in working groups on Wednesday. The declared goal is to have the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, who has now been dismissed as Federal Finance Minister, elected Chancellor at the beginning of December.


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