Video: Spanish police dismantle drug smuggling ring

Spanish police dismantle drug smuggling ring

The Spanish police have hit organized crime. On Tuesday she arrested drug gang members in several cities. The French and Belgian police were also involved in the raid. The gang allegedly smuggled and sold tons of marijuana and cocaine to Spain. The boss is said to have been a man with Moroccan citizenship. He had been wanted on an international arrest warrant. Business seems to have gone very well: In the leader’s house, investigators found one million euros in cash, jewelry worth 3 million euros and a watch worth 800,000 euros. In addition, the man is said to have owned 10 luxury cars and several yachts. During the raid, the officers also confiscated two laptops containing details of the gang’s smuggling operations. So there could be more arrests soon.


One million euros in cash as well as jewels and luxury watches worth several million euros were found on the alleged head of the gang.

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