Video: Söder on New Year’s Eve riots: “Typical Berlin”

STORY: Note: This post will be broadcast without narration. O-Ton Markus Söder (CSU), Prime Minister of Bavaria: “Oh, it’s typical Berlin again. Something like this happens all the time in Berlin, even on May 1st at the events. Berlin is just not really safe. It is in part It’s very similar in Hamburg. I don’t think anything like that happens in other cities, for example in Bavaria. Why? The police simply don’t have enough backing in Berlin. Politicians don’t support the police. In Berlin there isn’t enough money for the police, too little support. And that’s why, on the one hand, there is a need for tougher penalties for such chaotic people. Tougher penalties for insults against police officers and the fire brigade are also needed. That’s the way it is, the first stage of violence is verbal insults. And in Berlin it has to “Something fundamental is changing. How can you have any respect for a city that can’t even organize its own elections? Then it’s no wonder that it doesn’t guarantee the safety of its citizens either and can.”


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