Video: Soccer: Jubilation in Senegal

Football: Cheers in Senegal

Cheers broke out in Senegal on Monday night. Earlier, the country’s football team had won the Africa Cup of Nations for the first time. In a dramatic penalty shootout, the West Africans prevailed against record winners Egypt. In Senegal’s capital, Dakar, the streets were full of people. They danced in the streets, firecrackers were set off. The football fans from Senegal could not be overlooked in the French capital Paris either. There they gathered in front of the Arc de Triomphe and celebrated loudly. “We’re very happy, I swear to you. We’ve been waiting for this for years. Now we thank God. He gave us the trophy and we’re going to celebrate accordingly. That’s it. Honestly, we’re really happy because it’s the first time in our history. We are so happy. I have nothing to say. My head hurts, I am so happy.” “This year we won. And frankly, congratulations to Senegal. We’re proud of them, we’re so happy we can’t even put it into words.” Sunday’s victory over Egypt was a source of satisfaction for the Senegalese fans who were not exactly used to success. In the previous finals at the Africa Cup, the country had always drawn the short straw.


Senegal has won the Africa Cup for the first time.

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