Video: Sebastian Kurz announces withdrawal from politics

Sebastian Kurz announces withdrawal from politics

Austria’s former Chancellor and ÖVP boss Sebastian Kurz is withdrawing from politics. He will give up the office of party chairman of the ÖVP and the parliamentary group leader, Kurz said on Thursday in a press conference called at short notice. The decision was not easy for him, but he felt no sadness. O-TON SEBASTIAN KURZ, EX-FEDERAL CHANCELLOR: “For the past ten years I have been there with one hundred percent enthusiasm and I have always enjoyed my political work tremendously. In the last few months, the last weeks and the last days this enthusiasm has become a little less for me. […] In addition, you are under constant observation, criticized every day and almost have the feeling that you are being hunted. “The developments of the last few months also contributed to the decision. He was busy defending against allegations and accusations, said Kurz . His passion for politics has become a little less. Kurz also said that he was looking forward to spending time with his child and family. In the coming year he would like to devote himself to new professional tasks. Kurz had resigned as Chancellor in October, after it became known that he was being investigated for infidelity and fraud.


He wanted to spend time with his family and then devote himself to new professional tasks, said the former Austrian Chancellor.

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