Video: Scholz: Ukraine is fighting for survival

Scholz: Ukraine is fighting for survival

STORY: Note: This post will be broadcast without narration. O-Ton Olaf Scholz (SPD), Federal Chancellor: “We stand firmly on the side of the Ukraine and will continue to support them in defending themselves against this unjustified attack. Germany has decided to provide support with military goods so that the Ukraine can defend. At the same time, we stand firm by our commitments in NATO. Our Eastern Allies can count on our will and determination to show Alliance solidarity and protect Alliance territory. I therefore do not want to miss the opportunity, together with my colleague, to urging the Russian President to stop all hostilities immediately. Withdraw Russian troops to Russia and return to dialogue. The bloodshed must end. Vladimir Putin is abusing the Ukrainian people. I think we have arrived at a very dramatic situation. Ukraine literally fighting for survival in. The troop movements that we received reports from the Russian military forces today are very extensive, so let’s not delude ourselves: these are going to be very, very dramatic times. And the images that we have had to complain about so far and that depress us with the many dead and injured, with the destroyed buildings, the destroyed infrastructure, will only be the beginning of what is likely to come.”


Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees a dramatic deterioration in the situation in Ukraine.

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