Video: Scholz: “Set up militarily so that nobody dares to attack us and our countries”

Scholz: “Set up a military position so that nobody dares to attack us and our countries”

STORY: This post will be sent to you without narration. O-TONE FEDERAL CHANCELLOR OLAF SCHOLZ (SPD) “We support Ukraine, we have done this for a long time with a lot of money. Germany has been the largest financial supporter of Ukraine since 2014. And we are now doing it again by supporting Ukraine to defend themselves – and that’s why I say it’s right that we equip them with defensive weapons. We have done it and we will continue to do so.” “It’s also very right that we don’t overlook the message the Russian President sent to Europe and the world. His message is: The law doesn’t count. If I have the power, the strength, then I will break the law in order to pursue the goals that I have Imperialism as we have known it from the 19th, 18th, 17th and other centuries and therefore it is also right that we are united with ours Friends and allies in the European Union, in NATO, and that we say: Germany and NATO will position themselves militarily in such a way that nobody dares attack us and our countries in this way. That is also a message from these days.”


The Chancellor traveled to Lübeck on Saturday to kick off the SPD election campaign in Schleswig-Holstein. A new state parliament will be elected there on May 8th. His speech focused on the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine and its consequences.

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