Video: Scholz on the coalition committee: “We have made very, very good progress in the consultations”

STORY: (NOTE: THIS ARTICLE IS WITHOUT SPEAKER TEXT) Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Monday in Rotterdam: “Have a nice day. We have arrived here at the German-Dutch government consultations. A friendly relationship connects our countries and we advise here, For a long time we agreed on many, many important topics of our cooperation. We were very happy to interrupt our coalition talks in Berlin for this. And we will continue them tomorrow. We have made very, very good progress in the consultations. Many, many understandings have been reached. And we have contributed everything to it “that we work out the important definitions that are necessary for the modernization of our country and for progress in Germany. We know that there have been many decades in which everything has progressed far too slowly. That has to change. And that will change And that’s what the conversations we’re having now are all about, how we’re going to make this big push forward actually be able to organize them for our country. And we will. The conversations we’ve had so far, very confidential, very friendly with each other, are a good basis for continuing them tomorrow. And for many of those who were sitting together in Berlin in the Chancellery, it is also a very nice break that we are now together here in the Netherlands to talk about Europe and the future with our good friends here.”


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