Video: Scholz concerned about Netanyahu’s judicial reform plans in Israel

STORY: While Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was talking to Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the Chancellery in Berlin, numerous demonstrators gathered not far away, in front of the Brandenburg Gate. They protested against the course of Netanyahu’s right-wing religious government. And in particular against the planned judicial reform. The controversial reform was also an important topic at the joint press conference between Scholz and Netanyahu. The independence of the judiciary is “a great democratic good,” said Scholz. It is good that Netanyahu is seeking dialogue with many different groups in society. “It is very important to us that there is an amicable solution that is supported by all parties, by a large majority in Israel. I think that is the most important thing that can be achieved in order to reach a consensus. But it is now It’s not the job of a German head of government to meddle in the concrete details of Israel. We can observe, we can ask questions, express our concerns. Otherwise, hope that something will be achieved that will hold society together. And that is also my hope that I have.” Netanyahu did not want to accept the criticism of the reform. Israel is a liberal society and will remain so: “It won’t be long before you realize that this is absurd and ridiculous. There are no doubts about Israel’s values. They have stood the test of time, they are Values ​​that apply in any other democracy. We do not want to change democracy in Israel. We want to bring it to what is also true in other western democracies.” Mass protests have been going on in Israel for weeks. Netanyahu’s opponents accuse the right-wing national coalition of wanting to weaken the judiciary and thus undermine democracy. With the reform, the government wants to increase its influence in the selection of judges and limit the powers of the Supreme Court. She justifies this with the accusation that judges get too involved in politics.


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