Video: Russian soldiers enter Kherson council building

Russian soldiers enter the Kherson council building

SHOWS: STORY: Russia continued shelling major Ukrainian cities during Wednesday and Thursday night. According to the mayor of the southern Ukrainian city of Kherson, Russian soldiers have broken into the mayor’s office. Cell phone video shows military vehicles on downtown streets. In a statement, the mayor urged Russian troops in the city not to shoot at civilians. You don’t have your own armed forces in the city, only civilians and people who want to live here. The government in Kyiv had previously rejected reports that Kherson was the first major Ukrainian city to be taken by the Russian army. Residents of Borodyanka, northwest of Kyiv, reported fighting and destruction. “I spoke to a Russian soldier who said ‘I hate them!’ But he meant the Russians. They were lied to and sent straight here from maneuvers. I told him you should have said that before you came here .” “Their column moved for two hours and they shot the whole time. I checked my watch. They were hit.” It is remarkable how long the Ukrainian armed forces and the population have been able to withstand the attacks, says Bundeswehr Inspector General Eberhard Zorn. He doubts whether this moral support is available on the Russian side. One can see that Putin is already leading his followers into the war, said Zorn. This will be accompanied by the increased use of air forces and artillery – also against civilian targets.


The Inspector General of the German Armed Forces, Eberhard Zorn, does not expect the Russian army to win quickly in Ukraine.

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