Video: Riots in the Knesset

STORY: Riots in the Israeli parliament: In the dispute over the planned judicial reform, members of the Knesset’s constitutional committee attacked each other on Monday. Loud cries of “shame” could be heard. Several parliamentarians insulted each other as “fascists” and “traitors”. Several deputies were thrown out of the hall. The Knesset Constitutional Committee then voted to submit the first part of the reform plans to the plenary for first reading. At the same time, tens of thousands protested against the project in front of the building. Netanyahu’s opponents accuse him and his right-wing religious government of wanting to deliberately weaken the judiciary with the reform. There have been protests in Israel for weeks. Netanyahu’s Likud party justifies the reform plans with the accusation that the Supreme Court is dominated by left-leaning judges who, for political reasons, interfere in areas that do not fall within their jurisdiction. A trial is currently underway against Netanyahu himself over allegations of corruption, which he denies.


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