Video: Putin: We are in no hurry in Ukraine

STORY: It happened at a meeting between India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of a multi-state summit in Uzbekistan. In front of the cameras, Modi said: “It is not an era of war, and I have spoken to you many times on the phone, that democracy, diplomacy and dialogue are all the things with which we will walk the path to peace in the coming days be able.” Putin replied: “I know your position on the conflict in Ukraine and I know your concerns. And we want all this to end as soon as possible, but the other party… the leadership of Ukraine has said that they refuses to engage in a negotiation process. She says she wants to achieve her goals militarily on the battlefield.” Putin later told journalists that Russia was in no hurry to end its “special military operation” in Ukraine. Gradually taking control of Ukrainian territory. The plan and the most important goal of Russia remain unchanged: to “liberate” the entire Donbass region – as Putin put it literally.


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