Video: Protests after Mahsa Amini’s death

STORY: The death of a young woman in Iran continues to spark protests. Around 30 people demonstrated in front of the Iranian embassy in Berlin on Tuesday. They called on the German government to react decisively. “We are very dissatisfied that Germany hasn’t spoken out clearly so far. These state crimes must be condemned. The Iranian embassy must be summoned to the Foreign Ministry and criticized. That is why we are here today,” said Javad Dabiran from the so-called National Resistance Council . 22-year-old Mahsa Amini died in a hospital in Tehran on Friday. She had previously been arrested by the vice squad for enforcing strict dress codes. There was speculation on social media that Amini had been beaten. The Iranian authorities blame an orchestrated campaign for the protests in the country. The main elements of Monday night’s gatherings in Tehran were “fully organized, trained and planned to create disruption in Tehran,” the governor of the Iranian capital wrote on Twitter. Since then, videos have shown protests in several cities across the country, with women demonstratively taking off their headscarves and cutting off their hair. The recordings could not be checked. Several women in Berlin had already drawn attention to the Amini case by cutting off their hair on Monday. In these pictures, those present can be heard chanting in Kurdish and Farsi: “Women, life, freedom” and “Down with the Islamic Republic”. According to the organizers, more than 500 people took part in this demonstration.


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