Video: Prince Philip – 1st anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh’s death

Prince Philip – 1st anniversary of the Duke of Edinburgh’s death

STORY: Mourning for the Duke of Edinburgh – it’s been a year since Queen Elizabeth’s husband closed his eyes forever on April 9, 2021 at Windsor Castle at the age of 99. The world seemed to be in mourning and millions of viewers tried to divine the thoughts, sorrows and pain of the monarch – after the loss of her companion who had stood by her side for more than seven decades. In good times, but also in the many difficult, yes, bad times that the monarchy and thus the royal family had to experience. Due to the corona, the funeral service at Windsor, west of London, took place in a small circle with only thirty guests. A few days ago there was a memorial service with more guests – including the royal offspring, but also the royals from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden and Monaco. At least since the death of her husband, the public has repeatedly speculated about the state of health of the Queen herself. She had shown herself several times with a walking stick and canceled appointments, quite contrary to her habit. Very normal, perhaps, because the Queen will be 96 years old on April 21st.


On April 9, 2021, the Queen’s husband closed his eyes forever. It’s been a year now. Since then, the world has speculated about the state of health of the monarch herself – and about her successor.

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